
Mr. Amrendra


Message from the Director

My Dear Children,
It is fun to dram and imagines yourself on the position, place or platform where you would like to see yourself. Today, I want you to do exactly that. Set your goal, your dream…. Once you are clear what you want, then with focused mind like Arjuna the disciple of Guru Dronacharya start moving in that direction with passion , discipline and hard work . Most important learn to enjoy your journey.

People fail, not because they lack skill or aptitude but because they simply do not believe they can do. They have conditioned their minds like an elephant tied to a chain. The elephant is very powerful and can easily break the chain but what stops it…. Is the belief that it cannot.

So discard, throw away the sentence ‘I cannot’ from your life forever and believe ‘I can’ and be sure enough you will be able to do it…

With Lots of Love
Amrendra Singh